Frequently Asked Questions
To purchase eCapitaVoucher, simply submit your order via the eCapitaVoucher Corporate Portal. You may find more information on our website here.
For your personal gifting needs, please purchase eCapitaVoucher to gift someone through your CapitaStar App. You may find more information on our website here.
The minimum and maximum purchase amount is S$500 and S$100,000 in a single order respectively. If you are purchasing more than S$100,000, please write to for our Business Development team to get in touch with you directly.
eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Links and Activation Codes are available in any denomination in blocks of S$1 with minimum of S$5 and up to S$500.
The maximum amount of eCapitaVoucher to be stored in the CapitaStar App wallet or Web Wallet at any one point cannot exceed $1,000. Hence, your recipients may fail to receive more eCapitaVoucher if the resulting value of eCapitaVoucher in your wallet hits $1,000 after the acceptance.
We will recommend sending your gifts in smaller values of up to $500 eCapitaVoucher per time where your recipients are able to accept it easily.
In the event if your recipients are unable to accept your gift due to the Wallet Limit, please advise your recipients to spend their available eCapitaVoucher(s) before accepting more eCapitaVoucher(s).
Each eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Link and Activation Code is valid for 90 days from the date that you receive the email to download your order.
Upon acceptance of eCapitaVoucher by your recipient using the eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Link or Activation Code, it will be valid for use one (1) year from the date of acceptance.
You may purchase eCapitaVoucher to gift someone through your CapitaStar App where the gifting will be immediate.
eCapitaVoucher gifting via the CapitaStar App can be performed for up to 10 recipients for each gifting transaction, with the steps below which is also available on our website here.

Yes, we are an approved GeBIZ Trading Partners (GTPs) and we are able to submit invoice via the Vendors@Gov portal. We will require prior payment to be made before your eCapitaVoucher corporate order will be sent to you.
Please contact us at after you have successfully placed your order via the eCapitaVoucher Corporate Portal.
We accept payment via PayNow Corporate, GIRO or Bank Transfer and any applicable fee imposed by the relevant Bank will be borne by the payer. Please note that credit card payments are not available.
Payment should be made in Singapore dollars within 30 days from the order date based on the payment details indicated on the invoice which will be sent to your email upon placing an order successfully. Order will be cancelled automatically after 30 days if payment is not received.
Upon successful payment, please submit proof of payment via for verification of the payment. All committed payment is non-refundable and non-exchangeable to any other forms such as cash or other means as determined by CapitaLand Voucher Pte. Ltd.
You may request for a tax invoice after successful payment by submitting your request to A valid Business Registration Number must be provided for us to facilitate your request and if an invalid Business Registration Number is provided, your request will not be processed. If your request is valid, the tax invoice will be emailed to you within 30 working days.
We are unable to make any amendments to the orders that you have placed. Please contact us at to cancel your order and place a new order with the correct details.
All successful payments made to CapitaLand Voucher Pte. Ltd. are non-refundable and non-exchangeable to any other forms such as cash or other means as determined by CapitaLand Voucher Pte. Ltd. Your order will be send to you once payment is verified.
Your order will be sent to you once payment is verified and cannot be arranged to be sent at a later date.
Your order will be sent to you in a single file for your download and cannot be split into multiple batches.
Please allow approximately 10 working days from the day of making payment to process your purchase. It may take longer if additional information is required. As soon as your purchase request has been processed, we will notify you via email to download your order.
You will receive an email to download an excel file securely containing a list of unique eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Links and Activation Codes.
You may distribute either the eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Links or Activation Codes via Email or your preferred communication channels, with eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Links via email as the preferred option.
You may refer to the ‘How to send eCapitaVoucher’ section under the ‘How to Use’ page in the eCapitaVoucher Corporate Portal to download a sample template which includes the mandatory information to be included in your communication to your recipients.
If recipients have the CapitaStar App installed, recipients will be directed to the CapitaStar App upon clicking on the eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Link. A new user will be required to accept the Terms & Conditions before proceeding. For existing users, eCapitaVoucher will be added immediately into the wallet.
Alternatively, recipients may launch their CapitaStar App, tap on the eCapitaVoucher balance at the top of the screen, then tap on ‘Accept Gift’. Enter the Activation Code and tap on “Accept Gift” for the eCapitaVoucher to be added into the wallet.
Upon successful acceptance, recipients will receive a confirmation email that the eCapitaVoucher(s) has been credited into their CapitaStar account.
If recipients do not have the CapitaStar App installed on their mobile or are accepting eCapitaVoucher via their computers, clicking on the eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Link will lead them to the Web Wallet ( They may access their eCapitaVoucher(s) from both the CapitaStar App and the Web Wallet as long as they login with the same mobile number registered with CapitaStar.
We will recommend recipients to download the CapitaStar App for ease of acceptance and usage of their eCapitaVoucher(s).
We do not provide tracking for any eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Links or Activation Codes.
We do not provide refund for any eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Links or Activation Codes.
We do not provide any extension of the validity period of eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Links or Activation Codes.
We do not replace or cancel any eCapitaVoucher Links or Activation Codes issued erroneously by the Corporate Company.
Recipients will enjoy 12 months’ validity of the eCapitaVoucher from the date of successful acceptance.
The maximum amount of eCapitaVoucher to be stored in the CapitaStar app wallet or Web Wallet at any one point cannot exceed $1,000. Hence, your recipients will fail to receive more eCapitaVoucher if the resulting value of eCapitaVoucher in your wallet hits $1,000 after the acceptance. Please advise your recipients to spend their available eCapitaVoucher(s) before accepting more eCapitaVoucher(s).
It is also recommended for Corporate Companies to send eCapitaVoucher in smaller blocks of value to your recipients. For example, for total value of $1,100, it is recommended to send 3 sets of eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Links / Activation Codes such as 2 x $500 and 1 x $100.
Before acceptance of eCapitaVoucher: When eCapitaVoucher Acceptance Links / Activation Codes are sent to the recipients, the links/codes are not associated with the recipients’ mobile number, and this will not impact the user journey for the acceptance.
After acceptance of eCapitaVoucher: eCapitaVoucher will be stored in the recipients’ CapitaStar App or Web Wallet which can be retrieved via the account regardless of the device. Your recipients may update their mobile number via CapitaStar App or the Web Wallet.
The full value of the eCapitaVoucher will be added into the recipients’ CapitaStar Wallet upon successful acceptance, and recipients can utilise any value of the eCapitaVoucher that is acceptable at participating retailers during the validity period.
eCapitaVoucher is widely accepted by over 3,300 participating stores across 30 properties. Check out the list of participating properties and stores for eCapitaVouchers here.